- inspired by Danielle LaPorte’s Fire Starter Sessions.
What: 12 sessions / 60 min. each
Where: Zoom
Investment: $1440
Are you ready to add more meaning & purpose to your life and activate more joy? Do you want to live life on your terms, and are ready to engage your creative spirit to accomplish that?
These sessions are all about understanding your strengths, developing your potential and removing barriers to success by discovering the real attributes of fulfillment for you, either in your personal or professional life. We will examine what is holding you back from manifesting your highest potential, changing paradigms of thinking and acting and aligning your self-expression in the world with your super-powers. In these sessions, we will discuss important questions regarding your life purpose, adjust your view of life, access your creative genius, create a more productive relationship with work + abundance, and implement a real-growth strategy with Soul.
To inquire about this program or register, fill out the form here.